SpellBound Theatre’s World Inside Me
MTC presents Spellbound Theatre’s
The World Inside Me
Babies and toddlers explore the sights, sounds and sensory surprises alongside their families, care givers and the artists…
Spellbound Theatre, New York’s award-winning theater for very young children, returns to MTC with their new imaginative and multi-disciplinary performances. Artists lead the audience through gentle interactive play, live music, dance and visual effects to illustrate the inner life of our growing bodies. Perfect for little ones ages 0-5.
What Kind of Show is this?
Musical theater with live music; gentle, interactive and tactile; seating is on benches and floor cushions
Running Time:
35-45 minutes with no intermission
Wednesday, March 20th; Thursday, March 21st; and Friday, March 22nd
12.30pm Perfect for ages 0-2 Public performance followed by the babies, families and care givers exploring the space alongside the artists.
Saturday, March 23rd (2 x shows)
11am Perfect for ages 0-2. Public performance followed by the babies, families and care givers exploring the space alongside the artists.
1.30pm Perfect for ages 2-5. Public performance followed by the babies, families and care givers exploring the space alongside the artists.